CVAA Launches New Manifesto for Adoption
Ahead of the next General Election , CVAA has published a new Manifesto for Adoption laying out a number of recommendations for the next Government to transform adoption services for the children who need it.

Drawing on the expertise of our members and the lived experience of adoptees and adopters, this CVAA manifesto focuses on five key areas which are:
- Recognising the value of adoption
- Reducing delay for all children, but particularly those who wait the longest
- Supporting adopted children’s identity needs
- Timely support which prioritises early intervention and developing more trauma-informed schools
- Acknowledging the lifelong impact of trauma
Taken together, we believe that the steps we have laid out can help not only make the adoption system fit for the needs of children in the modern era but will ensure that adopted people are given the support they need to help make sense of their identities and experiences and thrive. You can download a full copy of the Manifesto here.