Event Tag: blocked care
Overcoming Blocked Care: How to Help Adoptive Parents to Reconnect

Who this is for
Adoption practitioners and managers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies, Local Authorities, and independent social workers), children’s social care services, children and family social workers, foster carers, kinship carers, designated teachers, and other professionals working with children and families.
This is an interactive training course to help supporting adoption professionals to improve relationships by recognising and resolving compassion fatigue and blocked care in adoption and fostering. This course helps supporting professionals who are working with parents that are caring for Traumatised children to identify and manage compassion fatigue.
“The speakers were absolutely brilliant and spoke around the subject very well giving an insight into the topic.” – Attendee, November 2022
This course will cover neuro diversity and blocked care and will also include information on secondary trauma and grief for adopters.
Our trainers Sarah Naish and Sarah Dillon at The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma will support professionals to identify and reject the usual ‘blame and withdraw’ model’, where there is actual or likely disruption, allowing them to work intensively alongside the parents, engaging in the ‘Therapeutic Parenting’ model.
“I loved all of it, the best course I have been on. Informative, personal and made so much sense.” – Attendee, November 2022
They will provide comprehensive information around how blocked care happens, changes in the brain and how we can overcome it and reconnect to our children.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the term Compassion Fatigue
- Understand how Compassion Fatigue happens
- Learn about strategies to overcome Compassion Fatigue and blocked care
- Identify the symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and give them strategies to manage and interrupt Compassion Fatigue
About the trainers
Sarah Naish and Sarah Dillon
More details to follow
A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at info@cvaa.org.uk. We will aim to answer your query within two working days.
CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.
Providing Good Adoption and Post-Adoption Support: What Is Needed Versus What Is Available?

Who this is for
Adoption Practitioners, Managers, Social Workers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies and Local Authorities), Children’s Social Workers, Support Workers and Independent Professionals.
This training course will look at the legal framework for adoption comparing how it differs in different parts of the UK. We will examine is the longer term experience for adoptive parents, what did they need and what did they receive – what are the messages from research. We will also think about the impact of secondary trauma, blocked care and factors leading to disruption.
How can we ensure adoption support plans are comprehensive and appropriate? What can we include to ensure placements start well and stay on track?
How do we complete effective Adoption Support Assessments when families are in crisis? Even where there is no ASF funding this can be useful when there appear to be multiple issues.
Most agencies have limited resources to give to adoption support. We will think about adoption support services as a triangle with universal services at the bottom – social events, toddler groups etc, then more structured services such as buddy schemes, courses training, support groups in the middle and work with individual families at the top. Can lower tier services can prevent families needing the more intensive ones in some cases?
There will be an opportunity to share examples of good practice.
Learning outcomes
- The legal framework for adoption support pre and post order across the UK
- Research relating to the long term challenges for adoptive families and how best to support them
- How to structure adoption support services to maximise the use of resources.
- Examples of good practice
About the trainer
Laura Payne has worked as a Social Worker, Panel Advisor and Manager in family placement for over 25 years in both the Local Authority and the Voluntary sector. She has worked in and managed adoption support teams and has a significant interest in this area, particularly in relation to supporting contact.
Laura was Head of Service and then acting CEO at Faith in Families prior to their merger with Adoption Focus in January 2022.
She now works as a freelance trainer and consultant and is an Associate Trainer and Consultant for Corambaaf.
A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack. If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at info@cvaa.org.uk. We will aim to answer your query within two working days.
CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.