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Event Tag: post commencement adoption

Access to Records: Applications for disclosure of Information in Post-commencement Adoption: Reviewing the Progress and Challenges

Who this is for

Adoption Practitioners, Managers, Social Workers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies and Local Authorities), Children’s Social Workers, Support Workers and Independent Professionals.


The legislative framework and regulations for post- commencement adoptions have introduced a completely different framework from pre-commencement adoption (adoptions that took place prior to 30th December 2005). It is crucial that adoption professionals have a good understanding of the changes and the implications these have for their agency and service provision, in order to meet the needs of people affected by adoption.

“Whilst I have attended similar training with Julia I still came away with a better understanding of Post Commencement regs. It helps that I have more experience of young lts accessing their records post commencement since I last attended training.” – Attendee, 2019

This training session delivered by Julia Feast OBE will look into providing access to information and support services for adopted adults, birth relatives and others in adoptions that took place on or after 30th December 2005 (Post-commencement adoptions).

“Reassuring to know that although there is legislation for this, that even the experts say they don’t know all the answers and that we are all in it her to move forward to ensure we are all doing it the same!.” – Attendee, 2019

Learning outcomes

  • Explaining the differences between pre and post commencement adoptions, according to the 2005 Post Commencement Adoption Regulations
  • Enabling you to better understand what services your agency needs to provide
  • Exploring what policies, procedures and information need to be in place
  • Allowing you to consider complex case scenarios and explore best practice
  • Introduce you to others working in this specialist and often isolated area

About the trainer

Dr Julia Feast OBE

Julia works as an independent Consultant, specialising in the life-long issues of being adopted, Care and Donor Conception. In the past she worked as the Policy, Research and Development Consultant for CoramBAAF and BAAF. Before then she was manager of the post-adoption and care counselling research project at The Children’s Society, worked as a local authority social worker and team manager, and also as a children’s guardian and reporting officer. Julia is an experienced social worker, trainer and researcher. She has particular interest in the identity and information rights and needs of adopted people, adult care leavers and donor conceived people.  Her publications include: Adversity, Adoption and Afterwards- A mid-life follow-up study of women adopted from Hong Kong, Adoption Search and Reunion – The Long term Experience of Adopted Adults, The Adoption Triangle Revisited – A study of adoption search and reunion experience, The Adoption Reunion Handbook and Access to information for adult care leavers.


A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack. If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at We will aim to answer your query within two working days.

CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.