Event Tag: racism
An Agency-wide Approach to building Cultural Competency in welcoming Black Adopters: Recruitment, Assessment and Support

Who this is for
Adoption practitioners and managers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies, Local Authorities, and independent social workers), children’s social care services, children and family social workers, foster carers, kinship carers, designated teachers, and other professionals working with children and families.
An interactive expert-led training session delivered by an experienced trainer and anti-racism practitioner, Esher Williams, founder of Anti-Racism Hub. You will be guided on a journey of understanding the challenges faced by Black adopters and how to reduce these barriers by addressing the impact of systemic and cultural conditions in our society.
‘There is a lot I shall take from this training to share with my colleagues and aim to improve our services approach to diversity and anti-racism in adoption.’ – Attendee 2023
Going on to explore the pillars of an agency-wide approach to decentring whiteness and how these measures positively impact Black adopters. Investigating culturally responsive competencies in adoption assessment. The group will consider the impact of race, ethnicity and culture on adoption practitioners, prospective adopters and therefore adoptees.
‘A great opportunity to learn about a really important topic which had a variety of learning tools, research and participation.’ – Attendee 2023
In this session, Esher will provide a forum for attendees to share and grow in a non-judgemental environment where curiosity and humility underpin the learning.
Learning 0utcomes
- Build an understanding of how to encourage and break down barriers for Black adopters
- Appreciate the importance of assessing Black adopters with cultural competency
- Adopting an agency-wide approach to building cultural competency in welcoming Black adopters
- Supporting Black adopters post-adoption
About the trainer
Esher Williams
Esher is an anti-racism consultant, public speaker, corporate trainer, educator and practitioner and the founder of Anti-Racism Hub. Facilitating thought-provoking and engaging training and workshops, Esher is adept at facilitating challenging but essential conversations that build understanding of the complex subject of racism, transracial assessment, placement and parenting.
As a late-discovering step-parent adoptee, a transracial adopter and former foster carer, Esher has a personal interest and dedication in helping parents/carers and children’s social work practitioners understand their responsibility in building cultural competency in their role.
A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at info@cvaa.org.uk. We will aim to answer your query within two working days.
CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.
Assessing Cultural Identity and its Implications for Adoption Placement

Who this is for
Adoption practitioners and managers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies, Local Authorities, and independent social workers), children’s social care services, children and family social workers, foster carers, kinship carers, designated teachers, and other professionals working with children and families.
During this bespoke expert-led training session led by Dr Beverley Prevatt Goldstein, practitioners will be guided in exploring the fluidity of cultural identity and cultural practice through self-reflection, academic and practice literature and research.
This will be the basis for structured activities which encourage minimising bias in assessing cultural practices and in identifying the appropriate cultural adoption placement for any child.
Practitioners will be assisted in understanding the impact of racism on cultural practice and on our assessment.
Practitioners will consider through small group work and the presentation of live recordings, the benefits and the challenges in taking into consideration cultural matching between children and prospective adopters. This will be considered both in the short-term and the long-term and in the context of racism.
You will also have a unique opportunity to learn from fellow adoption practitioners, whilst at the same time having the opportunity to identify the situations you find most challenging and work in smaller groups to consider various solutions.
You will be able to hear from the latest research and practice.
Learning 0utcomes
- Understanding of the complexity of culture and cultural identity and their link with ‘race’ and racism
- Understanding of the fluidity of cultural practices
- Confidence and competence in assessing the merits of a range of cultural practices
- Confidence and competence in providing placements which offer children wide and appropriate cultural opportunities
About the trainer
Dr Beverley Prevatt Goldstein
Beverley Prevatt Goldstein specialized in adoption and fostering in social work practice and in academia. She has developed an approach which is rooted in a black perspective, through her membership of BAAF’s Black Perspective Group. Her training also reflects her decades of working in academia and with all parties in the adoption process through her social work practice, her training role with ‘Fostering Network’ and her participation in the boards of the General Social Care Council and BASW. This is evidenced in her publications with both BAAF and the British Journal of Social Work, notably ‘Race’ and Ethnicity (BAAF, 2000) and Black with a white parent-an achievable and positive identity (BJSW, 1999).
A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at info@cvaa.org.uk. We will aim to answer your query within two working days.
CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.
Anti-Racism in Adoption Assessment and Placement: Understanding the Racial Identity of Children and Adopters

Who this is for
Adoption practitioners and managers (Voluntary Adoption Agencies, Regional Adoption Agencies, Local Authorities, and independent social workers), children’s social care services, children and family social workers, foster carers, kinship carers, designated teachers, and other professionals working with children and families.
This is an interactive expert-led training session delivered by an experienced trainer and anti-racism practitioner, Esher Williams, founder of Anti-Racism Hub. You will be guided on a journey of understanding how racism is interwoven in or society and how to recognise it. With that foundation, the group will explore how race and ethnicity impact children and young people from their personal identity to racial and generational trauma.
“The course was fantastic from start to finish. I feel this course should be made mandatory within the organisations we work.” – Attendee, 2023
Going on to explore culturally responsive competencies during an assessment. The group will consider the impact of race, ethnicity and culture on adoption practitioners, foster carers, prospective adopters and adoptees. Building an understanding of the ingredients for successful transracial placement, care and parenting. Setting adopters up for long-term success.
“Excellent trainer. Esher was very knowledgeable on the subject matter and made it really interesting. She facilitated the course at just the right pace.” – Attendee, 2023
In this session, attendees will be encouraged to share and grow in a non-judgemental environment where curiosity and humility underpin the learning. Group exercises, discussions, quality resources and real-life examples bring the subject to life. Self-reflection is at the core of this session along with developing practices to strengthen assessment exploration around ethnicity.
Learning outcomes
- Better recognise racism in everyday life
- Understanding collective trauma and generational trauma
- Appreciate the importance of racial identity for all children
- Develop an understanding of the impact of racial trauma on children
- Understand the impact of ethnicity on adoption assessments
- Explore transracial care and parenting
About the trainer
Esher Williams
Esher is an anti-racism practitioner, educator and the founder of Anti-Racism Hub. Delivering thought-provoking and engaging training Esher is adept at facilitating challenging but essential conversations that build understanding of the complex subject of racism and transracial assessment, placement and parenting. As a late-discovering step-parent adoptee, a transracial adopter and former foster carer Esher has a personal interest and dedication in helping parents, social workers and teachers understand their responsibility in building cultural competency in their role. Ensuring the adults around our children are best prepared to help them build meaningful cultural capital to carry with them and build upon through their lives.
A member of staff will be in touch with attendees one week prior to the event to share a pre-event delegate pack.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact us at info@cvaa.org.uk. We will aim to answer your query within two working days.
CVAA accept online payments only. In case you do not have instant access to your company card, we suggest using your personal card instead to book a training event and claim it back with your agency in your expenses. Requesting an invoice to pay for our standard practice events is not possible.