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Subscribe to CVAA

For an annual fee starting from £59 (please see the price categories below), your organisation could become a CVAA Subscriber and receive the following benefits:

Subscribe now

Discounted tickets to CVAA Practice Programme events – for example, rather than the £99 ticket price for external organisations, attendees from CVAA subscriber organisations will pay £89 for tickets. A subscription therefore more than pays for itself after just 3 events.

Event attendees will receive all resources (slides, notes, recommended reading and suggested activities) from events that they attend.

monthly newsletter that includes policy updates and new reports relating to the adoption, children’s social care, and charity sectors; updates on new research, events and jobs across the sector; and the latest on the CVAA Practice Programme.

You will be able to advertise your own events in our newsletter.

You will also be able to post your events (information nights, conferences, fun days, anything really!) on our online events calendar.

Price categories:

Individuals or organisations with max. of 10 employees£59 per year

Organisations with 10-50 employees£99 per year

Organisations with 50 – 100 employees £149 per year

Organisations with 100+ employees£199 per year

Please do get in touch at if your organisation has more than 10 employees and we will issue an invoice for you.