What We Do
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Our Work
CVAA is first and foremost a membership organisation. Our membership is made up of 27 voluntary adoption agencies (VAAs) across the four nations of the UK, along with 2 associate members (adoption support agencies) and a number of subscribers.
We represent our members and advocate for them in national forums. We bring member agencies together to collaborate, and we support them to work in partnership with local authorities (LAs) and regional adoption agencies (RAAs). We draw on our members’ vast experience of adoption to facilitate the sharing of best practice across the adoption system. We create space for professionals in the voluntary adoption sector to network and learn from one another.
Our small, dynamic team is based in London but has a national footprint. Our Board of Trustees is comprised of member agency CEOs and an independent Chair.

Our vision, mission and charitable objectives
Our vision is for adopted children, young people and adults to lead happy fulfilling lives in loving families supported by a strong voluntary adoption sector.
CVAA’s role in achieving this vision is to champion and support VAAs in their life-changing work. We are wholly committed to adopter choice and the vital contribution of a thriving VAA sector, able to provide the best possible support for birth and adoptive families in their lifelong adoption journeys.
Our mission is to achieve excellence in the adoption system through harnessing the collective expertise, commitment and innovation of the voluntary adoption sector, working together for children, families and adopted adults.
VAAs put children first, always. In our lobbying and advocacy, CVAA upholds that central principle and works to amplify the voice and influence of VAAs using their collective wisdom and the integrity of their work to achieve positive change for children.
Our charitable objectives are:
To develop standards of excellence in practice and management throughout the voluntary sector.
To promote cooperation between voluntary and statutory sectors in the adoption system and reduce barriers to interagency placements.
To influence policy and practice in the wider adoption system at local, regional and national levels
Voluntary Adoption Agencies (VAAs) are experts in adoption. Together our members place around 1 in 4 children who are adopted across the UK.